Lower Merion High class of 1965-Guestbook

Lower Merion High School

Class of 1965

(contributions of memorial obituaries for other class members are welcome)

Louis George Pavoni, Jr.

August 31 1947 – October 19, 1998

Proverbs 21:21 "He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor."

I first met "George" our sophomore year at Lower Merion High School when I showed up late for football practice on the first day of school. George and I began our careers together with a fistfight that day. That was my first experience with this "tough" guy that never backed down.

We attended Drexel where we were in the same fraternity and had the same major. We started a number of businesses in college, i.e.; sandwiches, snowplowing, carpentry, painting and selling silk-screened college clothing to a variety of coeds during our senior year on our way to Mardi Gras. We continued our fights both together and side-by-side.

After graduation and my stint in the Army, Lou (as he was now known) and I got back together again. Lou worked in sales for ITE Gould in Minneapolis and I was with Reliance Electric. We dreamed and talked about teaming up again and opening a distributor business someday, as we were in allied fields.

It was during this time that Lou found and was found by God. It was not his goal or desire! He underwent a dramatic conversion experience that lasted his entire life and affected all his beliefs and practices. He understood that he had received a huge gift from God and knew he had to share what he had learned. He was a new person who really knew and loved God. He was not overbearing in his discussions with people about God, but about as natural in talking to people about God or praying for them as he was in talking about what he had for breakfast. A practical outcome was that whatever he said you could take to the bank. He was still tough, but tempered now, as his new charter was to glorify God. Lou would be quick to add that it was not his righteousness and love that he was presenting, but God’s.

We started a partnership in 1977 and worked together for 21 years. We started as Manufactures Representatives for factory automation products that developed into distribution and finally into robotic manufacturing. When you partner with someone that long, you really get to know him. As he used to say, "all the responsibility of marriage without the benefits"! Lou was a terrific family man, wonderful husband, father of three, successful businessman, salesman and an outstanding Christian layman. His Christian beliefs influenced all his decisions and practices. People just trusted Lou. He proved himself to be morally truthful, loyal and his word was golden. He was one terrific guy who never lost his desire to win or execute the "tough" decisions necessary for the situation. Although he was always tough, his genuine love for people modified his behavior and showed through his firm stand.

I’m so thankful to have had him in my life all these years as my friend and business partner. He taught me so much about family, loyalty and the pursuit of righteousness. Lou indeed found life, prosperity and honor as he pursued righteousness and love.

Erik T. Hostvedt

March 16, 2005