Lower Merion High School

Class of 1965
Biographical and Contact Information

Access to bio information from classmates is restricted to classmates.

To access current contact and biographical information (for 50th reunion) press here and enter the name of our principal, his first name is the 'user name' and the 'password' is his last name.

To access information sent by classmates for our 45th reunion in 2010, press here and enter the name of our principal, his first name is the 'user name' and the 'password' is his last name.

To access information sent by classmates for our 40th reunion in 2005, press here and enter the name of our principal, his first name is the 'user name' and the 'password' is his last name.

To access information sent by classmates for our 35th reunion in 2000, press here and enter the name of our principal, his first name is the 'user name' and the 'password' is his last name.

Guest Book

Unfortunately, due to spamming, we also have to restrict Guest Book access to classmates.

To access the guest book, press here and enter the name of our principal, his first name is the 'user name' and the 'password' is his last name.


Hint: Our principal's name is in the lower right corner of your diploma.